Spectacle JS


Tracking user events

The track method in Spectacle is used to record specific events. This method is crucial for logging each step in your conversion funnel, helping you understand user behavior and measure the effectiveness of your campaigns.

Basic usage

To log an event, use the track method as shown below:

spectacle.track(event, [properties]);


  • event (String): The name of the event you want to track.
  • properties (Object, optional): A set of properties that describe the event in more detail.

Defining your funnel

Events recorded with track should clearly describe user actions in a way that is easily understandable by anyone in your organization. Here's an example of well-defined funnel events:

Customer CreatedTrial StartedSubsciption StartedCustomer Charged

Sending properties with events

The track method allows you to include additional properties with your events. This is useful for adding context and details about the event being tracked. For example, with a Subscription Started event, you might want to include properties like plan and billingCycle.

Making a track call is straightforward. The event name is required, and you can optionally include an array of properties. Below is an example of tracking a "Subscription Started" event with the plan property set to pro:

spectacle.track('Subscription Started', {
  plan: 'pro'

Special properties for track: Revenue

Spectacle recognizes the revenue property within a track event and processes it in a unique way. Revenue should be provided in the smallest currency unit. For most currencies, like USD, EUR etc… this would be cents. I.e. a revenue amount of $99.95 should be provided as 9995. Other currencies have other smallest currency units, e.g. the Japanese Yen has a smallest unit of 1 yen.

Here’s an example of an event that includes a revenue property:

spectacle.track('Charged', {
  revenue: '9995'

If you send a negative revenue value, it will be treated as a refund and deducted from your total revenue:

spectacle.track('Charge Refunded', {
  revenue: '-9995'

All special properties for track

revenueStringThe revenue in the smallest currency unit.
currencyStringThe currency of the revenue.
planStringThe customer's plan
mrrStringThe current mrr for the customer. Every time mrr is passed, it overwrites the previous mrr.
arrStringThe current arr for the customer. Every time arr is passed, it overwrites the previous arr.